#2 – Germs Being Spread

With a new hand washing technique, it will help people wash the germs off their hands. And when they no longer have those germs to get sick from, they are healthier and not missing days away from school or work. With good hand washing, we all can prevent germs and pathogens from spreading like:

  • E.coli – which can be passed from person-to-person.
  • The Common Cold – which has no know cure (and antibiotics do not help), so prevention is the best attack against this virus. Some viruses and bacteria can live from 20 minutes to 2 hours or more on such surfaces as cafeteria tables, doorknobs and desks. A study of Detroit school children showed that washing hands at least 4 time a day can reduce stomach illnesses by more than 50%.
  • Hepatitis A & other Intestinal Tract Illnesses – The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services reports that hand washing is probably the single most important measure in preventing and stopping the transmission of these.